The committee of a local CSV chapter is made up of at least three elected members. (The councillors, deputies and ministers of a chapter are automatically members of the committee by virtue of their mandate. In addition, there are two representatives from each organisation of the CSJ, the CSF and the seniors). The committee is the executive board of a local chapter and must abide by the decisions of the general assembly. The committee elects from among its members a president, a secretary, a treasurer and up to two vice-presidents. It organises and coordinates the work and activities of a local chapter. The committee represents the CSV in the commune and is responsible for liaising with the CSV in the circonscription, as well as the general secretariat.
We are represented on all commissions by a maximum of four members.
President: Raoul Weicker
Secretaries: Anaïs Sara Rastegar, Max Didier
Vice-presidents: Sylvie Arendt, Tom Schor
Treasurer: Ivana Santin
Members: Léon Glodt, Touraj Rastegar, Thierry Schuman, Jean-Pierre Staus, Chloé Vaudois
Co-opted members : Jennifer Bintener, Simone Hédo ép. De Bourcy, Véronique Scheer, Olivier Meyers
Website manager : Raoul Weicker
Facebook page managers : Anaïs Sara Rastegar, Raoul Weicker
CSV Kopstal-Bridel
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